There’s a Bright Light in your Future…


Open Doors to Future Possibilities, Inc.

A 501(c)(3) California Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation (EIN 83-3226119)

New Meanings to the Past, New Beginnings for the Future

Mission Statement

To help as many people as we can to achieve their goals and lead happy, successful lives through Education and Healing Conversations and to promote values that aim at decreasing or eliminating inequity; promoting inclusiveness of diversity; and establishing environments that are supportive of all people.

Open Doors to Future Possibilities, Inc. is committed to serving and advocating for underserved communities in Northern California and Texas.

At our Consultation Center, we provide counseling sessions for only $10 an hour, no insurance or documentation needed. We serve all community members, including individuals, couples, families, children and adults.

At our Veterans and Law Enforcement Programs, we provide Veterans and Law Enforcement Officers and their family members with free-of-charge services, such as counseling, tutoring, and connections to benefits and other resources. 

At our Homeless Outreach Program, we provide our unhoused neighbors with much needed supplies, such as socks, clothes, hygiene packs, and more. We also make available to them resources and services, such as counseling and tutoring, free of charge.

We also offer training programs at our one-of-a kind, professional, world class Academy for those with at least a 4-year college degree who are interested in helping others live happier, more meaningful lives. The training programs offered at our Academy will provide these professionals with a new worldview and skill sets that most traditional educational institutions don’t place a focus on.

Simone Lundquist, Ph.D., Founder, President & Executive Director

Open Doors team helping the community

To Make an Appointment Please Call us at:

TEL: 408-564-7228 •  TEL: 408-564-7174 • Toll Free: 1-888-291-7303

1550 The Alameda, Suite 150 San Jose, CA 95126

We are Open Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Veterans Programs

We have the largest population of homeless Veterans (600+) in Santa Clara County. We consider it our duty to support our Veterans in any way we can. Thus, we have made it our mission to provide food, clothing, free of charge counseling, and workshops where we connect Veterans with resources such as temporary housing, educational/employment opportunities and medical/dental services to assist them in transitioning into a more desired living situation.


The Open Doors Team

Our Team Members at the Consultation Center & the Academy

Consultation Center for Healing and Transformation & Academy

Consultation Center; A Contemporary Approach to Healing and Transformation

Consultation Center

At the Consultation Center, we provide our community members with low-cost consultation services for only $10 an hour.  We offer Life Improvement Consultation Services to individuals, couples, and families. These services involve engaging our clients in Healing Conversations to help them improve the quality of their life and relationships, overcome or get around the problems and obstacles that are holding them back, achieve their goals in different areas and live meaningful lives consistent with their values and intentions.

We do not agree with the pathologizing content of the Diagnostic and Statistical Mental Disorders (DSM) and consider the labeling of people as unethical. We do not diagnose, neither do we prescribe any medication to our clients.

We stand for social justice, equal rights, and respect for all members of the community and promote values that aim at decreasing or eliminating inequity; promoting inclusiveness of diversity; and establishing environments that are supportive of all people.

Academy of Contemporary Narrative Therapy

Open Doors Academy

At the Academy, we provide the students with a thorough, comprehensive and hands-on training on effective ways to engage the consultees in Transformational Conversations and help them explore, remember, and shape new realities about their powerfulness that the problems had rendered invisible to their eyes. These newly acknowledged realities will offer new meanings to their lived experiences and inspire new opportunities for their future.

These programs are designed to provide the students with solid, core consultation skills so that they can achieve superlative results in assisting clients live happier, more meaningful lives. These trainings are grounded in social constructionist worldview, and post-structural and post-modern theories such as Narrative and Feminism that are not likely to be taught in conventional academic settings.  

The students will be provided with an understanding of

• Philosophy • Anthropology • History •  Linguistics • Ethics • Critical Thinking • Effective Communication Skills • Disability Awareness & Activism • LGBTQ Awareness & Activism • Literature • Narrative Theory & Practice  
• Feminism & Women’s Studies

Stories That Motivate Us

He called himself ‘Billy.’  He was 9 years old and was a third grader.  Billy was dealing drugs, skipping school and failing on exams.  When I first saw him at my office, his parents and teachers were frustrated and had almost given up hope on him… Read More

Sara was a 40-year-old Japanese American female who was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Severe, with Psychotic Features.  She was diagnosed one year before she came to my office, when she committed herself to a psychiatric hospital as she was feeling very sad and did not see any light at the end of the tunnel… Read More

Lucia was 14 years old and an eighth grader.  She was about 5’ 2” and 145 pounds with big brown eyes and long dark hair.  Lucia looked very anxious and kept biting her fingernails nervously.  She had been diagnosed with Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Trichotillomania.  She hardly talked nor did she make any eye contact… Read More

Open Doors donations

What Clients are Saying

Dedicated to help me turn things around in my life

“I have never in my life seen anyone like Dr. Simone to care so genuinely and deeply about her clients.  Dedicated to help me turn things around in my life, she went way above and beyond her call of duty to help me think differently and find solutions that I could have never come up with, without her influence”…  

Bridget, San Jose, CA

We are very thankful to Dr. Simone for all the wonders she has created for us

“We are very thankful to Dr. Simone for all the wonders she has created for us both individually and in our marriage. She showed us how to become the people we wanted to be and how to clearly communicate our values, wants and needs to each other; a skill that was instrumental in our rediscovery of each other”…  

Susan & Alan, San Jose, CA

Dr. Simone is fantastic!

“Dr. Simone is fantastic! She is incredibly responsive, perceptive and comforting in very trying times.  I have to say that her office is beautiful and very tastefully decorated.  She is very engaging and provides a welcoming and warm atmosphere”…  

Betty C. San Ramon

Get In Touch

Donate Or Contact Us To Get Involved


1550 The Alameda, Suite 150
San Jose, CA 95126

Call Us:

Toll Free: 1-888-291-7303





